What's holding you back?

Isn’t it funny how we often teach what we most need to learn?

Since I was a very young child, I have seen potential in others. All my life I have been helping people to believe in themselves and express their uniqueness with confidence, long before I started doing it in my business.

Yet, I realise I sometimes don’t see my own potential. I’ve often struggled a bit with self-belief. And I have definitely been known to hide my uniqueness rather than express it with confidence.

The thing is, once I set my mind to do something, I absolutely know I can make it happen. And I have proved that over and over in my life; here are just a few examples:

  • I overcame a lifelong crippling fear of singing to become a professional singer

  • I landed a great job in marketing with no marketing background

  • I wrote and performed a successful one woman show during the Edinburgh Fringe Festival (it wasn’t until much later I realised what an amazing achievement this was!)

Despite knowing I can achieve whatever I set my mind to, I’ve noticed that sometimes I have avoided actually setting my mind to something. Is it because I didn’t really want it enough in the first place? Or maybe deep down I didn’t think I deserved it? I think we all have these feelings sometimes.

But I’m glad to say I’ve found a way through. And I am prepared to admit that I’ve been playing small. I’ve been hiding away. I’ve been waiting in the wings.

Over the last couple of years I’ve been developing a programme that I know can really help people, especially as we negotiate a new normal after the upheaval and challenges of 2020. It’s a simple but unique process to reconnect people with their own amazingness and develop the confidence to show up powerfully and unapologetically in the world. To create a life and a way of interacting with others that ensures they have a powerful impact in whatever situation they find themselves in.

So why have I been keeping it to myself? Well ironically, it’s probably the same reason many of us hold ourselves back. FEAR. Fear of judgement. Fear of not being liked. Fear of being seen. Fear of not being good enough. Fear of it not being perfect.

Anyway, I just thought I’d share that because all it took to change it was a decision. I’ve decided to stop hiding. I’ve decided to lean into the fear and get out of my own way.  When more of us do that, the world is a brighter place. That’s why I am committed to sharing this exciting programme.

I love helping people to believe in themselves, to embrace their uniqueness and express themselves with confidence. It’s what I’ve done my entire life. It’s one of the things I do best. So it’s hardly fair to keep that to myself!

Maybe you’ve been playing small. Maybe fear is what stops you showing up, fulfilling your potential and living your best life. Maybe it’s something else. Whatever it is, maybe, just maybe, you’re tired of waiting in the wings and you’re ready to stand out and take centre stage in your life and business.

If that’s something that resonates and you’re curious about my new programme, send me a message at mel@melsherwood.com; I’d love to hear from you.

If you enjoyed this article, click here to access Mel Sherwood’s e-book ‘How to be a Better Presenter in 5 Easy Steps’

Mel Sherwood is a pitch and presentation specialist and the author of 'The Authority Guide to Pitching Your Business - how to make an impact and be remembered... in under a minute!’ She combines 25 years’ experience in business with a background as an actor, presenter and singer to help business professionals to communicate with confidence, credibility and charisma.

To find out more go to www.melsherwood.com or follow Mel on Twitter @MelSherwood_