
11 Presenting Mistakes That Make Your Audience Cringe

11 Presenting Mistakes That Make Your Audience Cringe

As presenters we are in the privileged position of being able to share our knowledge, experience, and passion with an audience. However, with this privilege comes responsibility – a responsibility to ourselves to ensure we don’t kill our credibility, but more importantly, a responsibility to our audience to ensure that our message is relevant and interesting to listen to. It is vital that you avoid these 11 mistakes that will make your audience cringe...

My nerves took me by surprise...

My nerves took me by surprise...

Recently whilst delivering a workshop I found myself displaying all of the classic symptoms of nerves – thumping heart, shaking voice, red face and an overwhelming desire for the floor to open up and swallow me. In this post I share how the horror of the situation affected me, what I learned and how I managed it...


Help... I've got Glossophobia!

Help... I've got Glossophobia!

Glossophobia, or the fear of public speaking, is said to affect 75% of the population to some degree. If you're someone who suffers from public speaking anxiety, you'll be pleased to know that it is possible to overcome your fears. And the great news is that if you increase your confidence in verbal communication you’ll not only transform your speaking but you’ll transform your entire life...