4 Questions to Ask Yourself Right Now

How often do you take the time to reflect on your level of happiness?

Sometimes we find ourselves on the treadmill of life just getting through each day without realising that we may not be headed in the direction we want to go. In fact, we may not even know which direction we want to head!

It’s useful to take a step back periodically to reassess things and change course if things no longer feel as joyful or aligned with our values and dreams as we would like.

That may be by spending time alone journaling your thoughts and feelings, or maybe chatting through things with a good friend. Perhaps you’d prefer to work with a coach or attend a workshop or retreat to support and guide you through the process.

Either way, there are some key questions that can really help with the process of reviewing your life. I’ve recently sent out the Pre-Retreat ‘Reflect’ Guide to the women attending The RED Effect™ Retreat at the end of the month. In line with the transformational nature of the weekend, it is a deep dive reflection with around thirty questions to ponder prior to attending the retreat.

But you don’t need to deep dive to get some benefit from reflecting on your current circumstances. Here are a few questions to consider:

  • What is going well for me right now, and what in my life isn’t working for me?

  • What do I focus my attention on more often than not, and does this serve me?

  • How do I feel physically, mentally and emotionally at the end of each day and why?

  • What does my ideal day look like, and is this what most of my days look like?

Reflecting on the answers to these questions can bring insights about where you could make changes to ensure you’re living each day with more joy, energy and positivity.

Because life’s too short to feel unhappy, unfulfilled and unable to do anything about it. We always have choices and often we have the ability to change things even when we initially think we can’t.

So give yourself a moment to ponder the questions and decide what, if anything, you’d like to change. Even making one tiny change can have a big impact on your happiness.

Would you like to know how to reconnect with who you are, express yourself with confidence and live your best life? Download my latest e-book “11 Ways to Be More RED” for free here

Mel Sherwood is a Pitch and Presentation Specialist and Founder of The RED Effect™ . She works with entrepreneurs and business professionals who want to express themselves with confidence, credibility and charisma. An Australian now based in Scotland, Mel is an award-winning speaker, trainer and coach and combines over 25 years’ experience in business with a background as an actor, presenter and singer.